Aries Horoscope

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Aries Horoscope


Mar 21 – Apr 20

Two words to describe the driving force of Aries are “I begin!” Far more than anything else, you get a kick out of starting new ventures or trying new ideas on for size. When you become excited about a project, you just cannot wait to get cracking. It has to be done immediately or you soon lose interest.

Aries is a good and happy leader because you can inspire interest and enthusiasm in others. However, if you have to be a follower for long periods, you can become discontented and down in the dumps.

Basically, you are quick and decisive, both in your actions and in the way you think. If prolonged hindrances cross your path, you can become impatient or even aggressive. You can and do get things done quickly and efficiently. But you cannot tolerate people who dither. Unsolicited advice is not appreciated because you are independent, with a fiery, untamable spirit. Although you can organise others, you dislike other people organising you.

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You are frank, loyal and straightforward. Your keyword is action. Give you a challenge and a bit of combat — verbal, commercial or emotional — and you will sparkle as long as there is something or someone to conquer.