Gemini Horoscope

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Gemini Horoscope


May 22 – Jun 21

Gemini people are like the bubbles in champagne — without them life would be flat and dull. But, like the sparkling fizziness, they are here one minute and then gone the next. You are high strung, restless, excitable, a lover of change and variety, and sometimes quite scatterbrained. You have a keen, versatile mind and like to dabble in a variety of interests.

You may not be such a profound thinker but you certainly are clever and capable. You have your wits about you at all times. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is the symbol of communication, so you are at your best when you can share interesting ideas and discussions.

Where love is concerned, you are more likely to be lightheartedly affectionate than deeply emotional and intensely passionate. You like to share your affection with many people.

You are adaptable and find little difficulty in adjusting to variety and changes of scene — in fact, you somehow thrive on such things. Because of this constant desire for change, it will be unusual if you go through life without changing your business, career or profession at least once — probably more often.

Your dexterous hands and versatile mind are your greatest assets. Make the most of them.